tutankhamun mask


Tutankhamun was an Egyptian boy pharaoh. He ruled most probably from 1334 BC to 1325 BC. His original name, Tutankaton, means “living image of Aton”, while Tutankhamun means “living image of Amon”.

The historical significance of Tutankhamun is the fact that he abandoned atonism (which was introduced by Amenhotep IV), and returned the ancient Egyptian religion. Tutankhamun became king when he was only nine years old.

Nowadays, Tutankhamun is one of the most famous pharaohs, primarily because he is the only Egyptian pharaoh whose tomb was found intact in the 20th century.

It is not certain who Tutankhamun’s parents were. Tutankhamun is mentioned as the son of a king. Most experts believe that he was the son of Amenhotep III (probably not with his wife Tia) or Amenhotep IV, probably with his other wife, Kyya. When Tutankhamun succeeded Akhenaten, Amenhotep III had been already dead for some time. Tutankhamun ruled Egypt between eight and ten years.

His mummy tests say that Tutankhamun was very young when he died. It is assumed that he was only 19 years old. This conclusion came after the examination of his teeth. If this was true, it would mean that Tutankhamun was born between 1342 BC and 1340 BC, and would make it less likely that Amenhotep III was his father.

Tutankhamun was married to Ankesenpaton, Akhenaten’s daughter. Ankesenpaton also changed her name to Ankhesenamun. She gave a birth to two children, both girls, who were born dead. Their mummies were found in Tutankhamun’s tomb.

During Tutankhamun’s reign, Akhenaten’s atonistic revolution was abandoned. Akhenaten tried to replace the existing religion with the new one. In the third year of Tutankhamun’s reign (probably 1331 BC), when Tutankhamun was eleven years old (probably under Aya’s influence), the ancient Egyptian religion once again became the official religion, and Thebes became the capital again. The young Pharaoh changed his name Tutankaton to Tutankhamun. It is assumed that most of these decisions were taken by someone else, on his behalf, because Tutankamon was very young.

After Tutankhamun’s death, Ankhesenamun married Aya, possibly under compulsion, and soon disappeared from written history.

Tutankhamun was succeeded by Ay, and shortly thereafter, Horemheb, who removed most of the traces of Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, and Ay.

The cause of Tutankhamun’s death was not known for a long time. The body was first examined by the Howard Carter team in the twenties of the 20th century. In 2005, Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawas brought out the results of a Tutankhamun mummy research that does not provide evidence that suggests that Pharaoh was killed. There was a hole in the head, but it was most likely created during mummification. There are findings indicating the possibility that Tutankamon broke his leg and that he may have died from the consequences of the infection. In early 2010, a team of United States scientists published research findings on DNA analysis and X-rays of Tutankhamun bones that concluded that Pharaoh probably died of malaria in combination with bone disease.

Following a study in August 2010, it was discovered that Tutankamun  that his parents were probably a brother and a sister.

Carter’s research around the Tutankhamun tomb was funded by Lord Carnavon. In November 4, 1922, Carter discovered the first entrance. It lasted five years until he completed his research. He discovered the mummy of the king at the end of October 1925, and the last item that came out of the tomb was November 30, 1927. He spent a lot of time and a lot of energy. The tomb had to be electrically illuminated and had to be protected from theft because the findings were of gold that was of great value. Only the expulsion of golden coffins took 84 days. Tutankhamun’s treasure is now located in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo in 12 rooms. One sarcophagus was made of 110.4 kg of pure gold. The tomb of the Tutankhamun is located in the Valley of the Kings with Tutankhamun’s mummy inside.

If you wish to visit this magnificent sight and see Tutankhamun’s mummy yourself you can do it on our Tour to Luxor from Hurghada or on some of our Luxor tours or you can visit Egyptian museum on our Tour to Cairo from Hurghada that includes visit to Egyptian Museum.

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